Hand structure is an integral part of high level race service. It is applied over a base grind in much the same way the pure fluoro is applied over a paraffin bulk wax. It doesn't replace, or even change the grind in most cases. It adds a layer of moisture management performance with a light imprinted pattern which will rebound out after the base is waxed a couple of times.
There are many, many structure tools available in the world, and some are very involved and expensive. We've tested a lot of them - maybe most of them. The collection of tools we've got here is among the simpler and more effective that we've found. Structure is always added as one of the very last ski preparation steps, right before a race. It is often done in a hurry, and under some stress. Structure tools have to be easy to use, and tolerant of abuse. Even more important, we don't want any tools that can cause a problem if they're used wrong.